Unit 1, 2 Parker Hill, Rathmines, Dublin 6. Phone: 085 7521220 / 01 4977005 Email: info@gatewaymha.com
Friday, 21 January 2011
Tackling Stigma Discussion Group
Hi John Kelly here. On Wednesday 16th of February there will be a group discussion about tackling mental health stigma.
This is due to take place in Mount Drummond at 1 pm.
Personally speaking, I’ve found that one of the best ways to tackle stigma is to just talk about it.
Numbers are filling up for this, but places are still available for what is sure to be an energetic and insightful meeting.
If interested please talk to John at the drop in, otherwise you can contact me on jwpkelly@hotmail.com or call on 01 4965558