Tuesday 14 July 2020

Meditation with Simone

This week's sound meditation with Simone!

Hello from Simone,
I hope you are doing fine.

My new sound meditation recording is called "Happy sweet spot meditation", which is similar to the inner-smile-meditation from last week, but yet different. 
Please listen with headphones if you can. 
This is a wonderful sound meditation which can be done anytime you want even without guidance.
Remembering joyful, happy moments in your life and feeling them in your body in the present moment.
Enjoy discovering and re-connecting to this sweet spot of happiness. This is your own centre of happiness.
Practical experience:
What makes you happy? What are the small things in your life that makes you feel happy?
How do you feel when you feel happy?
If you experience happiness on a smaller or bigger scale say it out loud "This ... makes me feel happy"
Sound meditation - Happy sweet spot meditation:

Stay well, breathe and smile

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