Tuesday 28 July 2020

Free Webinars This August

Free Webinars delivered by SOS (Suicide or Survive) This August 2020

To register visit www.suicideorsurvive.ie

Tues August 4th – 7 - 8pm

Developing Happiness – Optimism and Pessimism – Does it really matter?

There are lots of things that can help us in our search for happiness, Join Patricia for this 45 min webinar which will give a brief introduction to happiness and then focus on how your thinking style of optimism or pessimism can influence how happy you can be.

Wed August 5th  - 10 – 11am

Conflict Management – A way to navigate  through differences

Conflict Management:

Conflict is a word that creates all kinds of responses in us.  Many people don’t like conflict.  Lots of people shy away from conflict.  Some people will do almost anything to avoid conflict.  In our world conflict is often synonomous with trouble and therefore so many of us want nothing to do with it.  Yet our lives are full of conflict because we are surrounded with difference. 
In our Webinar we will look at how we can navigate our way through these differences and  how we can experience conflict in a non-threatening way.  We may never grow to love conflict but maybe we can learn not to fear it in our future.  Join us for 45 mins that could unlock a key that might just empower you to live a more peaceful life where conflict is no longer something to fear.

Thur August 6th – 12 – 1pm

Goal Setting and Action Planning

So did you ever feel like your life is just drifting slowly by, no real purpose, no real intent?  Sometimes it feels like we are just waiting for things to happen.  Well, what if we lived a life where we are in the driving seat? Where we purposefully plan, prepare, measure and manage our progress.  Sound interesting?
Join us on this Webinar and discover the power and purpose of goal setting.

Fri August 7th – 3 – 4pm

Emotional Happiness – A call for more

We often look outward for happiness and whilst it can be found in many things, Join Patricia for Part 2 of the Happiness Webinars that explores how you can develop and build a more lasting level of happiness in your life by looking at the qualities that make up this often elusive topic and how to harness them.

Fri August 14th – 1 – 3pm

Wrap Online with the Copeland Centre

Suicide or Survive in partnership with the Copeland Centre are in the position to offer a Wrap seminar one workshop online.  This online course is for anyone who wants to learn about the Wrap programme and begin to incorporate it into their life to improve personal wellness and achieve an improved quality of life.  This workshop is designed to be highly interactive and encourage participation and sharing from all present.

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