Monday 6 April 2020

Meditation with Simone

Sound Meditation for Monday

Hello from Simone,
How are you getting on?
I hope my message and sound meditation was helpful for you last week?
Did you give it a try to take 5 minutes aside to be aware of your breath, how your breath if flowing daily?
Another powerful component of your breath is sighing. Yes, sighing. It is a deep breath, which starts as a normal breath
but before you exhale, you take a second breath on top of it. Sometimes a sigh is accompanied with a gentle sound.
In this way you get more oxygen into your lungs, which has a positive effect on your whole body as well as your mood.
In today's guided meditation we will focus on the outbreath with a gentle sigh. When bringing your attention to varioius body parts coupled with a gentle sigh you can experience a relief of tension and a feeling of relaxation and calmness.

Further I attached a link for free online services like meditations, online courses,..
Stay well, breathe and smile

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