Thursday 26 March 2020

Today's art class with Niamh

Thursday at Gateway...

We love being creative in Gateway so while the project is closed physically, we asked our wonderful art teacher, Niamh to develop some ideas for people to connect with their creative sides at home instead. Each week we will upload a video class from Niamh with different projects to keep us all busy and happily arty while we are having to stay at home. 

This video is half an hour so Niamh suggests you make a cup of tea and watch it in full first, then decide which project you'd like to tackle. There are four different projects to try and all using household materials which we hope most people will have to hand.  

Check out the class guide below for each project for more details to help you stay on track


Please let us know what you think and if you have any suggested improvements or ideas for the future! You can email us on

Remember our phone support line is open from 10am to 4pm Monday-Friday and weekends 2-4pm for calls and texts on 085 7521220 please do keep in touch!  

There is also a members' WhatsApp group you can join and we are providing weekly calls to members to check in and say hello, along with information emails and updates by text.  If any member would like to join any or all of these options, please give us a call, text or email.

Best wishes from us all at Gateway. 

Stay as safe, well and connected as you can.

Fionn 😊

PS. One of our members' reminded me that today is Purple Day, an international day for epilepsy awareness, unfortunately public fundraising events were cancelled this year due to the Coronavirus outbreak, please check out Epilepsy Ireland for their online campaign seeking support.

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