Monday 16 March 2020

Changes at Gateway in light of COVID-19 measures

Important information for Gateway Members about changes in Gateway starting 16th March until further notice

Following the Government’s announcement last week to close all schools, colleges and crèches as well as pubs as of last night, to help minimise the risk and spread of Coronavirus in Ireland, and with more restrictions on the way given public health advice, Gateway is temporarily changing the way it provides social support in the community over the next few weeks to help protect everyone’s health and safety as part of a national approach to contain and limit the impacts of the coronavirus.

Gateway's Management Committee have decided to close the project on a temporary basis to individuals and groups at this time. Gateway is a mental health project and as peers, we understand that it will be more important than ever for people to be able to stay connected while all of this is going on.  We know that isolation and increased worry can be very challenging for our mental health which is why Gateway will provide information and support over the phone while Gateway's facilities are closed.  Peer support sessions over the phone will be also available. Gateway's mobile phones will be open 10.00am-4.00pm Monday to Friday and Saturday and Sunday from 2-4pm. 
Gateway Mobiles:   085-7521220         085-8776001        085-8776002

We know that large groups of people mixing together and being in close contact increases the risk of infection and spread of this virus which may have serious health complications for people with underlying health issues and for those taking certain medications; these include people with lung disorders such as asthma and COPD, heart conditions and medications that affect the heart, auto-immune diseases like diabetes etc, and people who are immune compromised such as people in treatment for cancers and HIV. Therefore, it is clear that to be responsible as a project, Gateway needs to remind members of the risks and how to minimise them.   We also need to ensure that people still have access to vital social support in the community through Gateway and will trial some options during this time to find what works best, at the moment this is limited to support over the phone.

What will change in Gateway?
Drop in changes: temporarily closed until further notice.

Education & Training changes: All courses and activities on hold for time being.

Peer Support: one to one sessions with members of the team will be available over the phone as best we can between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Phone, Text & Email:  we will provide phone, text and email support and information based on the most recent HSE and Public Health updates and for people reaching out for social contact.  Members can phone the Gateway Mobiles on 085-7521220 between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday and weekends from 2-4pm on Saturday and Sunday.  If there are large numbers of callers, we will ask people to keep calls for a brief chat so that others can also contact us and may ask that a staff member or volunteer call you back from a different number.

Other changes?
There may be further changes over the next couple of weeks depending on the actions of Govenment and the HSE which might mean Gateway will be in a position to trial other options in line with advice, we will do our best to keep everyone updated by phone, text and email throughout.  We hope that the closure of the project is temporary and we can reopen very soon.  Please do keep in touch with us by phone in the mean time.

Remember for most people the coronavirus is a mild flu-like illness but for some people, particularly with underlying health issues, it can lead to serious complications which is why we all need to do our best to help minimise it and reduce the spread so that less people are affected. 

What to do if you have symptoms?
Phone your GP and follow advice.
If you are diagnosed with coronavirus, a courtesy call to Gateway would be appreciated so that we can help protect other members and staff.

Support numbers for information and telephone support
HSE info line: 1850 241 850 - for updates (8am-8pm Mon-Fri and Sat/Sun 10-5pm) - see HSE live info
ALONE helpline: 0818 222024 - for support (8am-8pm)
Samaritans: 116123 - for support (24 hours)
SeniorLine: 1800 804 591 - for information and support (10am-10pm every day)

If you have cold/flu symptoms (cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever, aches/pains), call your GP immediately. HSE advise that people do not go in person.  Your GP can arrange a test and send a medic to your home – as a precaution you will most likely be expected to isolate yourself at home for a minimum period of two weeks under medical supervision/support.   

If you don’t have support to get shopping or other items because of illness or the need to isolate yourself, there are voluntary local groups being set up in communities to help with this.  Call us in Gateway for information or for a chat and/or text us in Gateway and we will do our best to find the information to support you in practical ways which might involve getting some shopping in for people who don’t have access to support. 

We suggest that members who are peers to one another and/or friendly with one another, consider exchanging their phone numbers and joining the whatsapp group so that people can continue to talk to one another on the phone, especially while drop ins are closed and meet ups not happening.   You can download Whatsapp for your smartphone from iphone and android marketplaces 

Please follow advice from trusted official sources only as there is a lot of misinformation at the moment and it is not helping people – contact the HSE directly for advice and updates on 1850 241 850.

We hope to be back open very soon.

Thanks for your understanding and keep in touch. 

Best wishes,
Fionn & The Gateway Team   

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