Thursday, 27 July 2023

Gateway Members attended the first ever Disability Pride Parade this month!


In honour of Sinead O' Connor's passing

Gateway turned the lights off and held a one minute silence in honour of the wonderful and much admired Sinead O' Connor 

Week 5 July Schedule 2023

Schedule Week 5 July 2023 by Gateway Project on Scribd

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Check out these amazing programs happening with Arches over the next few months.

1 ARCHES Recovery College Jul-Aug-Sep Programme by Gateway Project on Scribd

Here is loads of information about the first ever Disabiity Pride Parade!

Hi Everyone! This coming Saturday (July 22nd) marks the first ever Disability Pride Parade. Please see all the details in the PDF document below. For those attending with Gateway, our Co-Ordinator John Kelly will be leading the group. John will be waiting at Gateway for individuals to join him between 1.45 -2.00pm. The group will leave at 2pm sharp. For anyone interested in joining the Gateway group, please contact the project phone on - 0857521220 in advance. We hope to see you there!

Disability Pride Accessibility Information 2023- Final by Gateway Project on Scribd

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