Thursday, 7 July 2022

Our members have been invited by the HSE Mental Health Engagement & NUI Galway to take part in an anonymous research focus group on Friday July 29th between 12 -1. The group will examine what helps and hinders various groups of people in becoming involved in designing and planning services. The aim of this research is to explore views about involving those who use health, social care and mental health services in the designing and planning of these services. The goal of the research is to better involve such groups in the design and delivery of health, social care, and mental health services, and consequently to improve these services.

Research Oppertuity by Gateway Project on Scribd

Cityscapes film course happening at Gateway!

Cityscapes Course 2022 by Gateway Project on Scribd

Heard of toxic positivity?

 Many of us do this without realising it. To learn more, click on the link below

They say that one in four of us has suffered child sexual abuse. There are supports out there.

To learn more about one such support service, click the link below. 

Having financial difficulties?

 MABS can offer you advice and solutions 


Life feeling a bit serious? Perhaps a good laugh would help improve the mood.

 There is a free comedy event every Thursday in the city centre. Check the link below for more details.

Planning your Dublin summer?

Here is an upcoming free event that you cant take part in.

July Monthly Schedule 2022

Copy of July 2022 Schedule by Gateway Project on Scribd

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