Thursday, 28 April 2022

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Thursday, 7 April 2022

They say that nature is a very heling and free resource

Connecting With Nature Course by Gateway Project on Scribd

Tai Chi Wellbeing Course beginning soon!

TaiChi Threshold by Gateway Project on Scribd

You know what they say - declutter the home, declutter the mind.

Here are the details to an upcoming course that will help you do just that!

Spring Cleaning for Your Wellbeing by Gateway Project on Scribd

Today we relaunch Drop In and we also ask Hello How, How are You?

The 'Hello, How Are You'? campaign is about connection and engaging in open conversations about mental health. The campaign asks individuals, communities, workplaces, friends & family to say Hello and ask the question ‘How Are You?’ in a meaningful way. Asking this small question and having one conversation can make a real difference in someone’s life.

Friday, 1 April 2022

April Monthly Schedule 2022

Please see for the month of April. Exciting stuff!

APRIL 2022 Schedule Full Month.xlsx by Gateway Project on Scribd

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