Thursday, 16 August 2018

Gateway Open Day Wednesday 22nd August 2.30-4.30pm

We invite you to join us for an open information afternoon
to learn more about Gateway, what we do and why.

Come along to find out more ~ all welcome!

This event is open to members of Gateway, friends, family, potential new members, service providers, allied healthcare professionals and interested others working across the Mental Health, NGO and Community & Voluntary sectors.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Personal Development through Artistic Expression Course, Autumn 2018

The Recovery College, DCU, with DCU School of Nursing and Human Sciences are offering an Autumn course on personal development through artistic expression. It will be given by 'Act the Maggot'. Further information on the course and contact details for the Recovery College below:

Act the Maggot Programme Poster Autumn 2018 by Gateway Project on Scribd

Self Advocacy and Personal Development, Autumn 2018

The following is information on an Autumn course being offered by The Recovery College, DCU in conjunction with the Irish Advocacy Network. See the poster below for further details and contact information for the Recovery College for this course:

Self Advocacy Programme Poster by Gateway Project on Scribd

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