The Mental Health Commission is commencing a written consultation exercise on its Draft Seclusion and Physical Restraint Reduction Strategy. The written consultation will run for a period of three months until 12th September 2012.
The Commission will also link in with service user groups to ascertain their views through additional methods.
The draft strategy includes 18 actions that aim to reduce the use of seclusion and physical restraint in approved centres. All actions included in the strategy were informed by international good practice initiatives. A copy of the knowledge review which informed the strategy is attached.
A consultation document which includes the 18 actions and a series of questions designed to elicit views is also attached.
Feedback can be submitted by email or by post to
Mental Health Commission, Standards & Quality Assurance Division,
St Martin’s House,
Waterloo Road,
Dublin 4.
Please circulate details of the consultation to anyone you think may be interested.
Information on the consultation is also available on the Commission’s website
If you have any questions on this, please contact me by email or by telephone on (01) 6362469.
Kind Regards,
Derek Beattie
Derek Beattie
Project Officer
Standards and Quality Assurance Division
Mental Health Commission
St Martin's House
Waterloo Road
Dublin 4
Ph: +353 (1) 636 2469
Fax:+353 (1) 636 2440