Tuesday 4 June 2024

Mental health Engagement Conference is now online as well as in person

Unfortunately, in-person tickets for the “Mental Health Engagement Conference 2024: Implementing Our Framework” on 5th June are now sold out. However, due to the large demand for tickets, we have decided to make the day a hybrid event for people to attend the conference remotely. If you would like to join us online, please register your attendance using the link below and you will receive a Webex link to access the conference from the comfort of your home or office on the day.

Mental Health Engagement involves seeking to understand what the experience of using mental health services is like for people to then take concrete, feasible, and practical recommendations to Health Service Executive management to bring about real-world improvements to how services are provided. Meaningful Mental Health Engagement is a respectful, dignified, and equitable process. It uses the perspectives of service users and their family members, carers, and supporters to make mental health services better.


We have a packed programme of talks, panel discussions, and interactive workshops for you – all centred around key themes identified by our Area Leads for Mental Health Engagement following their consultation with their communities. The themes reflect 3 key areas identified as core concerns for people:


1.                Crisis Response

2.                Communication, and

3.                Family Involvement,


On 16 April 2024, our new Mental Health Engagement Framework: 2024 – 2028 was launched by Mary Butler, TD, Minister for Mental Health and Older Persons. This framework sets out how publicly funded mental health services in Ireland can be reformed to better consider the perspectives of people who use and provide these services. The focus of the day will be on celebrating the value of Lived Experience, generating ideas of how services can be improved in the 3 priority areas, and consequently implementing our new framework.


The Keynote Speaker for the day is Prof Peter Beresford OBE. Peter, from his many years as a mental health service user, academic, writer, researcher, and activist has been at the very centre of the Lived Experience social movement in the UK. This movement has sought to directly challenge psychiatric stigma by advocating for people who use mental health services and their supporters to be able to shape the mental health system. We are confident that Peter’s talk on how ‘Lived Experience Is Everybody's Business’ will be thought provoking and inspiring.


Please see below the programme for the day. We look forward to hopefully seeing you then.


 Aims of the day:


1.            To celebrate the value of Lived Experience in shaping mental health services,

2.            To generate ideas of how services can be improved in 3 priority areas (Crisis Response, Communication, and Family Involvement), and

3.            To reflect on how best to implement our new Engagement framework as a community.







10 am ‘Conference registration, tea, coffee, pastries, and networking’


10.30 am ‘Welcome address’ from Dervila Eyres (Assistant National Director, HSE Head of Operations Mental Health)


10.50 am ‘Keynote Talk: Lived Experience Is Everybody's Business’ from Prof. Peter Beresford OBE (Visiting Professor in the University of East Anglia and Co-Chair Shaping Our Lives: the UK disabled people's and user led organisation).


11.20 am ‘Brief overview of new Enhancing Engagement Framework’ from Jacopo Villani (Programme Manager, Mental Health Engagement and Recovery)




11.30 am Stretch break and networking.


12 pm Videos and Panel Discussion: Crisis Response, Communication, and Family Involvement


Panel chair: Sean O'Connell (Area Lead for Mental Health Engagement, National Forensic Mental Health Service).


Panel members:


•              Lisa O’Leary (Volunteer from the National Lived Experience Panel)

•              Michelle Catherine Butler (HSE General Manager Mental Health Strategy and Planning)

•              Joanne O’Meadhra (Person who has Used Services)

•              Roisin O’Meadhra (Family Member Representative)

•              Michael Ryan (Head of National Office of Mental Health Engagement and Recovery)

•              Margaret Duggan (Family Member Representative)

•              Sorcha Griffith (Senior Social Worker)

•              Dr Donal O’Keeffe (Recovery Coordinator, Family Member Representative, and Person who has Used Services)




1 pm Lunch




2 pm ‘Interactive Workshops’ for all attendees, to discuss potential solutions to issues raised, facilitated by Area Leads for Mental Health Engagement.


3 pm Sharing with all attendees a summary of recommendations arising from workshops and next steps.


3.20 pm ‘Review of the day’ from Michael Ryan (Head of National Office of Mental Health Engagement and Recovery).


End 3.30 pm.


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